Parker is scheduled to participate as an exhibiting author at the Gaithersburg Book Festival on Saturday, May 17, 2014, in Gaithersburg, Maryland. This year, CDs of the studio recording of A Roadkill Opera will be available for sale, along with published sheet music (including a conductor’s score) and If you see roadkill, think opera. Parker participated in the 2013 GBF as a literary merchant; the studio recording was played in preview, as it was released commercially on July 4, 2013.
While on a recent trip to California, Stephan Alexander Parker caught up with some early fans of A Roadkill Opera. Rod Diridon was the first to comment on the recording, writing: “A profound and enjoyable piece of art that speaks to the modern condition. A Roadkill Opera is a 59 minute “must have” step into the future of music. This sounds almost like a spoof but it is not. Enjoy.”

Must be something about California…the first person to purchase a CD of A Roadkill Opera through was George Jahad.

In Cupertino, songwriter David Greenstein sang some of his original songs after receiving sheet music and a CD of A Roadkill Opera from Stephan Alexander Parker.

Stephan Alexander Parker made a pilgrimage to the storefront of Da Caruso in Vienna, Austria, in December 2013. Staff at Da Caruso were instrumental in identifying the music Parker had recorded off of a Chicago classical FM station in 1979; Ferdinando Paer’s Leonora has only been commercially recorded once, they informed him in 2003. The LP was out of print and a CD was not released until February 2013, a month after Parker held the first recording session for A Roadkill Opera.

In October 2013, Parker met with his New York business representative. Discussions on potential venues for live performances are ongoing. Among the likely locations are New York, Nashville, Tampa, San Francisco, and Washington DC.